Sunday, January 26, 2014

Twenty-Fourth Place Ring for 24th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 24th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.  This is the last place to receive a ring since it is the last letter in the Greek Alphabet.

Twenty-Third Place Ring for 23rd Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 23rd place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Twenty-Second Place Ring for 22nd Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 22nd place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Twenty-first Place Phi Ring for 21st Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 21st place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Twentieth Place Upsilon Ring for 20th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics.

A humble token for 20th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Nineteenth Place Tau Ring for 19th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 19th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Eighteenth Place Sigma Ring for 18th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 18th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Seventeenth Place Rho Ring for 17th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 17th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Sixteenth Place Pi Ring for 16th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 16th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Fifteenth Place Omicron Ring for 15th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 15th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Fourteenth Place Xi Ring for 14th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 14th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Thirteenth Place Nu Ring for 13th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 13th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Twelfth Place Mu Ring for 12th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 12th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Eleventh Place Lambda Ring for 11th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 11th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Tenth Place Kappa Ring for 10th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 10th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games.

Ninth Place Iota Ring for 9th Place Winners at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 9th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games. 

Eigth Place Theta Ring for 8th Place at the 2014 Sochi Russian Winter Olympics

A humble token for 8th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games. 

Seventh Place Zeta Ring for 7th Place at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olmpics

A humble token for 7th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games. 

Sixth Place Eta Ring for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

A humble token for 6th place winners at the 2014 Sochi, Russian Olympic Games. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

5th Place Epsilon Ring for 5th place - Winter Olympics, Sochi Russia

Since epsilon is the fifth letter in the Greek Alphabet, athletes who place 5th in the Winter Olympics are bestowed with this honorable ring.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

4th Place Copper Ring for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia

A small humble token of copper with the 4th lower case letter of the Greek Alphabet for 4th place winners at the 2014 Winter Olympics, held in Russia. 

The Winter Olympics gets a lower case ring, while the Summer Olympics gets an upper case ring.

Monday, January 6, 2014

3rd Place Gamma Ring for the 2014 Winter Sochi Olympics

Here is the third place gamma ring for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.  Since it is the Winter Olympics the Greek Letters are lower case. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

2nd Place Silver Beta Ring for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

Second Place Silver Beta ring for the 2014 Winter Sochi Olympics in Russia.

A more humble token that can be worn after the Winter Olympics for second place winners who don't want to risk loosing their silver medals in public.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Alpha Gold Ring for First Place - Winter Olympics Russia

It is that time again, the Winter Games are just around the corner.

As was done for the 2012 London Games, athletes will get these special tokens of achievement.

In this case the alpha ring is lower case, note for the Summer Games Greek letters are upper case.  Again each letter represents their place, as first gets alpha, second gets beta, third gets gamma, fourth gets delta...and so on until 24th place which gets an omega ring.

The first athlete to win this ring will be riding a snowboard and be a dude, dude!

The USA or Canada has a great chance to be the first Winter Olympic Athlete to ever win this token medal.

Who will be the first Alpha Dude?  We will hear about it on the morning of February 8th, 2014. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sochi 2014 Olympic Medals Expanded for 4th and 5th place

The 2014 Winter Olympics are next month.  Once again here are the expanded medals for fourth and fifth place.